Monday, April 5, 2010


I walked into the house this morning after my early morning workout to be greeted by an upright and smiling Josh. Sure nice to see him that way after 5 days of couch-sitting, focusing on not vomiting, walking slowly and wobbly-kneed around the block, and eating nothing more than a few crackers, bits of banana and spoonfuls of ice cream. He's not back to himself completely, but certainly on the road there.

His pain is being managed well now, which is a real blessing. Now it's back to a "normal" couple of weeks before we head down to MD Anderson again for the second round of chemotherapy on April 21st at 11:30am. This time we'll probably take the whole family for an extended weekend in Houston. Not surprisingly, the kids are eager to take a few days off from school.

"Normal" today means that Josh actually worked at a customer site with help from his dad (who stayed in town for an extra day after the Easter weekend to be able to help).

Here's to more upright days!