Thursday, April 8, 2010

A New Look

Picture Bill Hader playing General George Armstrong Custer from the movie Night at the Museum 2 as he carefully and slowly brushes his hair:

98...99...Bingo! Like a golden fleece. My hair is currency in certain parts of Europe.
Men and their hair.

If you take a moment to stop and take notice there are a lot of men walking around with shaved or bald heads. I was counting the shiny domes one day in 24 Hour Fitness and there are quite a few men who, either by choice or maybe not, have little to no hair on their heads. Clearly, some don't have a choice. Nature does what it does. However, there are those that opt for the maintenance-free hair style and I have joined that seemlingly growing club. With the inevitable departure of either some or all of my hair from the chemo treatment, I elected to dictate the date of the loss of my locks rather than have it handed to me. I just didn't want to wake up one day with a clump of my hair on the pillow.

So on Tuesday the whole family got to participate in shaving Daddy's head.

Anna says I look good. I am still getting used to it. It still takes me by surprise when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. But it certainly has made taking a shower a little quicker.


  1. you look great, it's still the same Josh in there, hair or no hair. Besides, now Rick will feel a little better about his lack of locks!

  2. I still do a double take everytime I catch myself in the mirror. I've yet to get used to it.
