Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chemotherapy - Day 2 Part 1

Josh sleeps well until about 5am when I wake up hearing him call my name. He's nauseous and wants one of the immediate-effect dissolve-in-your mouth pills that he was given yesterday, as well as one of the every-4-hours pain medications since he's uncomfortable again.

I doze off again until about 7:00am and see he's still lying in bed (not sleeping), but still looking uncomfortable. Nausea is a problem - the pill only helped a little. Since the pain medications that he's to take must be taken with food, I quickly get dressed and get two to-go containers of the free breakfast buffet downstairs. The hostess has seen enough patients cycling through the hotel to not be surprised at or discouraging to my request. Josh isn't really hungry, but forces himself to eat enough fruit and bacon to also down the three pills which are to help with the pain and nausea. He's chugging lots of water and juice as instructed to keep the fluids moving through his body, flushing his kidneys.

And now he rests. He has slept pretty much the whole morning while I try to get some work done (hopefully all my typing isn't bothering him too much; thankfully the fan in the room is nice and loud to block out a lot of noise). We're going to get him in for one more accupuncture treatment before we make the trek back home this afternoon.


  1. Hey there! I wish I had sent this yesterday...the trick is to stay ahead of the nausea like you do the pain. Keep the nausea meds in your system even if you are not experiencing symptoms. That way you "stay ahead of the curve" and it doesn't get so bad you can't get relief. My cousin also said lots and lots and lots of water helped her nausea as well as reflux meds.
    Still praying!

  2. Stay strong. The Hubers are praying for y'all. We hope you have a happy Easter.


  3. 2nd try--where did my first one go? Preparing my Sunrise Service devotional. Looking forward to Sunday's Baptism service. I have the privilege of baptizing Nathaniel and my parents will be here. My text will be from Mark 5. Jesus driving out demons, healing the bleeding, outcast woman and raising the dead girl. It is so easy to read "over" the text and miss the absolute miracles. Jesus did what? I am blessed to know you are not "reading over" what miracles are happening as we pray for the miracle of healing and the driving out of this noma. The risen Lord is with you. He is risen, INDEED!

    Love in Christ and prayers being launched from the left coast.
