Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 5???

Let's see.. is it day 5? I guess it is. Things are slowly getting better. That chemo really set me back a spell. Nasty stuff it is. Appetite is returning, although sweets still taste a bit off. Salty foods are doing much better. Constipation has been an ongoing issue. Clarity of mind has also been questionable. There will be moments of lucidity and then I will slip back off into a fog. Want to sleep a lot, but am forcing myself to get up and take walks around the block. Actually went to a job site and did a little bit of work today before knocking off shortly after noon. Pain levels are lower than before the chemo. My back hardly even causes me any problems any more. Don't know if that is because of the modified pain medication or something else. Support has been outstanding. Anna's dad was a big help taking care of the kids while we were down in Houston to get the treatment. My parents were up here this past Easter weekend and my "doctor" brother calls almost every day to check in.

It's been said to me that I can know the chemo is working because of the side effects. Don't know if that is true or not but I hope so.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.


  1. I was kinda hoping that your brain fog was indicative of ketosis due to lack of eating. But if you're experiencing it still after eating, then I suspect you're experiencing what is known as chemo brain fog which has only recently been recognized by the medical community as a legitimate side effect (you'll notice they didn't mention it). Hopefully, it'll clear up in a few days.

    And the correct term is "doctor in training".

  2. Hopefully you'll have your nausea issues mastered for round'll know which meds work best for you, and on what schedule. Maybe the accupuncturist can focus on prevention of nausea for the next treatment?
    You have a great family.
