Friday, March 12, 2010

The Monster Within

To look at Josh, most would think that nothing is wrong. He looks healthy. I sometimes even forget that anything is wrong as he does what he's always done - plays some hoops with Ethan, cajoles Kate to bed, chats with Julia at the kitchen table, works on the latest kitchen at the shop, exercises, and does housework. But outward appearances belie the monster within.

And at times that monster rears its head, sometimes in the form of a sadness and fear so deep it's scary. And other times it shows in Josh's lack of strength in his right arm or his slowness getting in and out of the car because of his back and hip. Or the worry about new pains that weren't there yesterday and the delay in getting started with chemotherapy until the last week of March.

We continue to pray, think positive thoughts, watch lots of comedic movies, and love the cards, dinners and support we're receiving from all of you. Today we take Ethan and Katelyn to Houston to spend time with Josh's folks and their cousin at their farm. Julia, our about-to-be-17-years-old exchange student, is spending the night at a friend's house while Josh and I get to spend some time together alone.

Monster, go away. We've had enough of you.

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